University of Kentucky Plant and Soil Sciences Dept Fields

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Authored by Gene Hahn in March 2018

Interactive map showing field numbers for Plant and Soil Sciences Dept fields at North Farm in Lexington, KY. Hover above field boundary to display Principal Investigator (PI) name. Click within field boundary to access PI name, email, phone #, and website.

Here is link to explain soil mapping units in more detail. This link will open PDF file that contains all soils surveyed within the North Farm boundary.

Data source and method

Created with QGIS 2.18.16 and CARTO online with data sourced from the University of Kentucky Lee Moser, Steve Higgins, Sarah Wigthman, and Sara Carter. The soils mapping units sourced from Soil Survey Staff, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Web Soil Survey. Available online at Accessed [03/25/2018]. . Also see maps below, data from water hydrants digitized from Sarah Wightman and Steve Higgins map.

Spindletop Farm Map to digitize water hydrants

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Old plat map of Maine Chance Farm

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